Durian Lingers

Durian Lingers Address : #01-08 Royal Ville, 833 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 279887 Phone Number : +65 6763 8382 Email : bt@durianlingers.com.sg Website : http://www.durianlingers.com.sg Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pg/Durian-Lingers-at-Bukit-Timah-187601367947357 Operating Hours: 12:30 pm – 11:00 pm daily Bukit Timah Road is one of the nicer roads in the area. One would be surprised about finding out that there is a durian shop located in that area. Yes, a real durian shop! Though they are just open during the durian season, customers, especially the regular ones, eagerly await for that time to come when durians are aplenty. Then you would see how the locals and tourists flock around the area to get a taste of their much-advertised fruits. From a comfortable seating space and air-conditioned rooms to quality durians and free gloves, the store is striving to give the best to their customers. They specialize in durians that are in good condition such as the all-time favorite Mao Shan Wang or Mountain Cat King, D24, Golden Phoenix, and many more. If you are going to ask people who ate or are eating there, they would say that the area has really a nice ambience (and once you are there, you would really see it for yourself), the staff is friendly and trustworthy (you’d find that out, too), and the durians are of the best quality (okay, buy one if you don’t believe me). The prices would definitely depend on the availability of the stocks but customers are assured that they are paying the right price for their purchases. There are also good parking spaces around the shop so I guess this is also one of their advantages. Customers can also buy durians for take away with the meat stored in plastic containers to be assured of their freshness. The whole area is actually very wholesome and clean. You can barely see any durian shells lying around because the personnel often empty the trash bin and wipe the tables after every customer use them. You could also see a lot of customers, locals and tourists alike, look like they are having the time of their lives (and I would bet that they are!). For the first-timers, the staff either asks customers if they would like their recommendations on what variety to try or just let the buyers choose among themselves. They see to it that they are demanding for people to decide immediately and that is another point which people like about them. The staff is patient with buyers who are trying to eat durian the first time so somehow these same customers will be coming back for another durian trip. Oh, and by the way, they sell not only durians but mangosteen and rambutan, too. I am sure that you will like these exotic fruits, as well. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to this store and you will surely experience that the Durian really Lingers!

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