Award Winning Plantation

Family Friendly

Delivered within 2 Hours

Freshness Guaranteed
Our Signature

Durian Royalty
Possessing the most complex, sophisticated durian taste, our very own Royal MSW is plucked and cultivated from the oldest, most pedigreed durian trees. At only $29.90 a box, it is a must try for all durian lovers.
Shop Royalpopular fare

Musang King
Known as the Musang King, or MSW to many, this is the most popular breed of durian. Possessing a sweet, slightly bitter taste, the Musang King captures hearts with its thick, creamy flesh that delights your palate.
Sweetness delight!

Red Prawn
Known for its intense sweet taste, the Red prawn serves as a good appetizer for a durian meal. Its flesh is creamier than the Royal and Musang King, and it is extremely popular with kinds and those who love sweet tastes.
Durian Delivery Done Right
Durian Delivery isn’t just packing some durians and sending them off.
Your typical durian store doesn’t take the same care and dedication to durian delivery like we do.
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Learn More About Serangoon Durian
With that many food stores in Serangoon, it can be difficult to find a durian store. Whether you’re in Serangoon Garden, Serangoon Central, NEX, or anywhere else in Serangoon, you can now get durians at ultra affordable prices. We deliver to Serangoon, and whether you’re looking to host a durian party, or simply have a nice durian meal on your own, Duriandelivery.com.sg has got you covered.
We’ve taken Durian selling a step further by offering express delivery on our durians. Our durians aren’t just great tasting, they’re also backed up by our very efficient delivery system, ensuring that you get your delicious durians as fast as possible. We’ve recently started offering 2 Hour Delivery on our durians, which means that you’ll be able to have your favourite durians only a short while after you order them. Our varieties of durians include the Mao Shan Wang, Red Prawn, and also the XO D24, which is a customer favourite. By sourcing directly from the plantations, we’re able to ensure that the cream of the crop is served to you. So if you’re looking for a durian stall near Serangoon, then perhaps you’ve already found the perfect durian stall in us.