Award Winning Plantation

Family Friendly

Delivered within 2 Hours

Freshness Guaranteed
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Durian Royalty
Possessing the most complex, sophisticated durian taste, our very own Royal MSW is plucked and cultivated from the oldest, most pedigreed durian trees. At only $29.90 a box, it is a must try for all durian lovers.
Shop Royalpopular fare

Musang King
Known as the Musang King, or MSW to many, this is the most popular breed of durian. Possessing a sweet, slightly bitter taste, the Musang King captures hearts with its thick, creamy flesh that delights your palate.
Sweetness delight!

Red Prawn
Known for its intense sweet taste, the Red prawn serves as a good appetizer for a durian meal. Its flesh is creamier than the Royal and Musang King, and it is extremely popular with kinds and those who love sweet tastes.
Durian Delivery Done Right
Durian Delivery isn’t just packing some durians and sending them off.
Your typical durian store doesn’t take the same care and dedication to durian delivery like we do.
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Learn More About Kovan Durian
If you’re ever looking to eat durian near Kovan, or Kovan Mall, or Heartland Mall, look no further than Duriandelivery.com.sg. Duriandelivery.com.sg is an online durian delivery service which offers the freshest and cheapest durians in Singapore, including Kovan. Our durians are guaranteed to be delivered within the time frame you have chosen, and our express delivery option comes within 2 Hours. Our durians are specially harvested from plantations in Malaysia before it is shipped over extremely fast for you.
Our skilled durian farmers pick only the best durians for you, and we further curate them here in Singapore. This means that what reaches you is simply one of the best durians you can get anywhere. Our durians have a distinctly rich and creamy taste, and frequently they come with very small seeds, meaning you get more for your money’s worth over here. Even when you are in Kovan, which is an area that might be a little more difficult to find durian sellers, we are here to serve you and ensure you get only the best.
Kovan is also known as the heartland center of Singapore, and we know that residents staying near this area do appreciate nice durians. However, that is not to say that we neglect residents staying in other areas. Kovan is just a place that sits close to our hearts, and we know that when you choose Duriandelivery.com.sg , you are in good hands for your next great durian experience.