Delivery Info In a Nutshell:
Same/Next Day Delivery: $9.70* per location
Express Delivery: $13.70 per location
Free Delivery Above $100*
Delivers: 10:00am-11:59pm
There will be an additional service fee of $15 for second delivery if the first attempt was unsuccessful.
Please remember to input the correct address and mobile number so our riders will be able to reach you!
From Our Plantation to Your Doorstep
The typical durians you eat from stores are usually a day old.
That’s because they store their durians, and the older durians are pushed out ahead of the new ones to make way for new stock.
As durian lovers ourselves, we know that every minute after a durian is plucked affects the quality of the durian. Our durians reach your doorstep within 6-12 Hours after they’re plucked, making our durians arguably the best in Singapore
Dedicated Fleet From Malaysia
Our trucks coming from Malaysia are a dedicated durian delivery fleet. These drivers are trained to pick up durians, and speed all the way down from our plantation to our packing area in Singapore with no other stops. While our drivers are driving at maximum speed, safety is of the utmost importance to us.
Delivered Straight to You
At, our durians are packed on the spot the moment you place your order and delivered straight to you.
0 Storage Time, 0 Wastage
By operating on a lean, fast delivery schedule, we are able to deliver on the next day with 0 wastage and 0 storage time. Unlike traditional durian stores which push OLD durians first, such practices are absolutely unaccepted at Only the freshest produce are shipped to you, with any wastage frozen at the end of the day and sold to cake and dessert stores.
How to Order?
Ordering is easy as pie on our website. Simply select a delivery slot, and we’ll deliver within that time range. Once we are filled up on those particular slots, our system automatically updates the schedule and it will be blocked out.
*Higher Delivery Fee for Certain Areas
Please note that while standard delivery is available for almost the whole of Singapore, there are certain surcharges for areas.
Sentosa/ Lim Chu Kang
Same/Next Day Delivery: $16 per location
Free Delivery Above $150