100% Free Durian Replacement Guarantee
If the durian you got were below your expectations, please let us know by filling the form below within 24 hours of receiving them and we’ll get you a delicious, high-quality replacement for FREE!
Do include these pointers:
1. Type of durians affected
2. Quantity affected
3. If the durians were consumed
4. Pictures of the durians (Mandatory)
Please give us 12 – 48 hours (peak periods) to get back to you!
Free-Replacement Form

Seamless, Free Replacement
We pride ourselves in high quality durians every box we serve. However, if you encounter a sub-par box, we are more than happy to replace it for you. This way, you will always end up with a great box!

Hassle-Free Replacement Procedure
Fill in the durian replacement form at the top of this page
Include these details in your message:
1. Problem with order
2. How many packets were affected